Friday, April 9, 2010

Today has been the best of both worlds.

I as some of you know am a film school student. The downside of this is that we are slaves to the film cage. We must adhere to the rules of the cage and the limited supplies that the cage offers. Well today I was in the cage trying to reserve a camera and other equipment for a shoot I had originally planned for next weekend. This was obviously destined to fail, there are about 8,000 film students and about...10(?) cameras. So obviously my shoot is not taking place. I'm steamed at this point so I return to my residence and I go to youtube. I just wanted to check what was going on with my account that I use to post skits and videos so I sign in and up at the top of the page is a blue square saying something like "apply for a youtube partnership". So instantly I'm all excited and "hell yeah!" So I do all the work and we'll know in about two weeks whether or not I get approved. I don't have the highest hopes because the reason they offered it to me is because I have one video that has a high number of views. The rest are not so high, in the hundreds or so. I can still try though. Hopefully this will put me back on track with making comedy sketch videos whenever I can. I hope for the best.

*Link to youtube page*

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