Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back Again.

With such a long wait I found it appropriate to do something special. This was originally contrived as a video countdown but all the time I would have spent recording it went to school work and other film related things. So anyway here is it.

Welcome to my list of the Top Ten Non-Superman -Batman or –Spiderman, Superhero Movies. A Superhero is defined as a hero, especially (and usually) in children's comic books and television cartoons, possessing extraordinary, often magical powers. This term came about in the 1960’s with the large advent of the superhero comic book. Batman, Superman, and Spiderman, along with other Marvel, DC, and many third party comic book heroes and villains were becoming a popular and moneymaking business. The transition was quickly made to film and the films that were made were often amazing spectacles. But enough about the history of the genre, let’s get along to the countdown! I’ll only be including one film per franchise if the film gained enough of a following to make sequels.

Number 10:

Hancock. This movie is enjoyable, and that’s what I want from a superhero movie. It was well acted and I enjoyed seeing Will Smith come to grips with being a washed up superhero. It’s a good film and the plot is solid. The action is great and that’s what most people expect to see. Go check this one out if you haven’t already.

Number 9:

V for Vendetta. Although it’s a stretch as V isn’t much of a “superhero” as much as just a kickass radical, it’s still a quality film. Written by the brothers who wrote the matrix means the script is solid. Using a first time director was quite a risk, but James McTeigue made a wonderful film. The action is great, the dialogue is thought provoking, and it’s a film that you want to watch again and again.

Number 8:

Toxic Avenger. Yes the Toxic Avenger, but ONLY THE FIRST. Lloyd Kaufman has a great sense of humor and takes a great spin on making almost a spoof of the superhero movie. The characters are over the top, the acting is definitely not A class and the film is definitely not an award winner, but the cult following this film has gained is not because of novelty. Give it a look.

Number 7:

The Punisher: from 2004. Thomas Jane is definitely the punisher. He plays it well and you believe that he really is pained by the loss of his family. This film is definitely action packed and every character is completely devoted to being that character. They wanted to make this film great, and they did.

Number 6:

Hellboy. This isn’t actually one of my favorites but it’s a quality film. Ron Perlman was definitely the right choice to be Hellboy. He can properly portray the sarcasm the character speaks with. He’s a character you love to hate, or hate to love. You can’t help but attach yourself to the guy, even though he wouldn’t want you to.

Number 5:

X-Men 3. This is the best of the franchise I thought. I saw it and was instantly blown away. You say edge of your seat action? I was literally on the edge of my seat for the entire film! For me it doesn’t get much better than Hugh Jackman being completely badass in the role of Wolverine. There’s not only the badass side though. He makes you believe that he is in love with Jean Grey. This film is definitely fantastic. Speaking of Fantastic…!

Number 4:

Fantastic 4. I like it. It’s enjoyable. Plus Jessica Alba is a babe. I thought that Jeff Goldblum would have better played Reed Richards and I thought that this guy was just the poor man’s version of Mr. Goldblum. But other than that minor inconvenience it’s a quality movie

Number 3:

Iron Man. Robert Downey Jr. is the epitome of sarcastic asshole, but that’s why he works so well in this role. He’s the best choice and he definitely made the movie. It’s a great movie for people who aren’t comic book fans. It’s not a nerdy comic book movie. Anyone will like this movie. If you haven’t seen it (and I don’t know why you wouldn’t have seen it) you definitely should.

Number 2:

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. From 1990. The first live action adaptation of the popular kids franchise was a definite change in mood. It was dark, angry, gritty, and completely awesome. I was born in the year this came out so I grew up on it. It was overshadowed by the popularity of the sequel but this is the superior film. It’s well acted (through puppets) and it pulls at your heartstrings.

So here we are. The final submission in the very first countdown. What will it be? Let’s recap before we come down to it. Number 10 Hancock, Number 9 V for Vendetta, Number 8 Toxic Avenger, Number 7 The Punisher, Number 6 Hellboy, Number 5 X-men 3 the Last Stand, Number 4 the Fantastic 4, Number 3 Iron Man, and Number 2 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Number 1:

The Incredibles. The only animated film that made my list and the only superhero film with a family. It’s a great dynamic that works well. It’s animated amazingly which is not surprising from Pixar studios. I especially enjoyed the use of real children to voice the child characters. The family gave the “team” of superheroes 2 dynamics to work with. They were a family who fought with love for each other and they were a team of superheroes that fought for the city. It’s amazing. You need to get this movie. Anyone from childhood to the elderly will enjoy this film. Really I do think that it’s the greatest non-superman –batman or –Spiderman superhero film that has ever been made, therefore I give it the number one spot on the countdown.

So there you have it. My top ten list of the best superhero movies that aren’t Batman Superman or Spiderman. Please comment, discuss with me, and read my other reviews on my blog. Thanks for reading.

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