Monday, January 10, 2011

The Number 23

Let me start by saying that when I first saw this movie in theaters I really enjoyed it. I really like those types of crazy conspiracy and guy going crazy movies. I'm all about that.

And cats. I love cats.

But really, I thought this was a great movie. I started looking for 23 in my life just to see if there was actually 23 in stuff that I could be connected to. There wasn't much, I think I could only find one 23 in my life. Damn too bad.

But time went on, and it has been such a long time since I've viewed this movie. Does it hold up? Well, no. But why? It all comes down to one simple point.

Jim Carrey can't be in a serious role. He got it right in Eternal Sunshine, but in that movie he was still able to be a goofy guy. Everyone was goofy, it was an indie, they all had quirky names and jobs and problems. But here you can see him wanting to be goofy or funny. You see him trying to slip in some humor, but it's all forced. It just doesn't work. This is when he's in the real world of the movie. When he's playing Walter Sparrow.

In the scenes where he's Fingerling, in the world of the book, it comes off like...well...this.

It's like he's mocking himself in the movie.

Really. I couldn't help but be reminded of this clip when I was watching those scenes. Jim Carrey used the same voice, he had a smirk on his face, one eyebrow up, everything. The only thing he was missing was the strange haircut. He still had one, but it was a different strange haircut.

He's not the only person who was bad in this. The son was uninteresting. He just went along with the father character but I just didn't care. He just said lines. No conviction, no feeling, no good.

Virginia Madsen who I normally like is even pretty bad in this. Same problem as the son. I could see her reading lines, just waiting for her cues.

The only good performance comes from Mark Pellegrino who plays the person wrongfully imprisoned for the murder of Laura Tollins, and he's only on screen for about 4 minutes. This whole movie feels like a parody of the psychological drama. It's just all together poorly done.

This isn't the worst movie I've ever watched, that will forever be Bloody Mary (just typing those words makes my skin itch), but It certainly is in my top 5 worst.

I love near the end of the movie where Walter finally discovers the truth, then tries to possibly commit suicide by standing in front of a bus. The bus driver does nothing! Living in a city full of buses, I'm pretty sure that even a bus driver would stop if he or she were to see a person standing in their path; or at least try to veer out of the way. This bus driver just honks a couple times and doesn't even slow down.

I found myself laughing because of how bad this movie was and I can't find the original appeal it had. I don't recommend watching and if you already have seen it I don't recommend re-watching it. Altogether just not worth it.

Final rating: 2/10. Hmm, maybe this is worse than Blood Mary....nah.

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