Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Black Swan: First Thoughts and Review

The newest Darren Aronofsky film titled Black Swan stars Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis of "That 70's Show" fame. If you've seen an Aronofsky film you know what to expect. Lots of dazzling and strange images paired with different unsettling tight shots. I got the same feel from this that I did from watching "The Wrestler." You literally follow behind the main character like you're a younger sibling following your older sister to her dance practices and recital. I was a bit unsettled by the fact that the relationship between Portman and her mother character made it seem like Portman was much younger than she was. The two acted like Nina (Portman's character) is at least 10 years younger than she is. The mother tucks her in at night and her room is even pastel pinks.

Like I said, the imagery is amazing. I really was drawn into the movie because it looked so different form other movies. While this is great, I also find it a problem. It's like this: I think the movie is technically great. The shots are great, framing near perfect, even the handheld camera work is great. Choreography is performed perfectly. Yet while all of these things are so great, I didn't feel close to the story at all. I felt like I wanted to keep watching only because I wanted to see something new happen. I won't give away anything, but I felt like the imagery out-shined the story.

Everything was great but I wasn't connecting. I've heard other people say that it was the best movie of 2010. I agree that it was a cool movie, but it wasn't, to me, amazing.

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