Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why I hate youtube.

My problem with youtube is the audience. everyone is fearless on the internet, and no one wants to take the time to appreciate anyone's successes while constructively addressing faults. take for instance my latest "video" (voice recording) where i asked if the "ground zero mosque" would be a problem if it were a church. someone commented saying

"No it would not be a problem considering the none Islamic type of people did not bomb us. It would be no problem if a non-Muslim church was built however personally it shouldn't be a church of any type at all perhaps a museum or something. It has been proven in history with this culture that to show the world they have conquered a spot they built the mosque right in the middle of the spot they conquered . No I am not racist or anything I just think they should build it somewhere else. GB"

me-valid argument but the site is not in the middle of ground zero. also it's not just a mosque.

random youtube audience member-Your right it isn't, it is bigger and grander then just a mosque and it just feels like it is a way to say we can spit on you and you are not going to do anything about it cause this is the land of the free and home of the naive. It may not be on the exact spot but it is close enough that to me feels like we are splitting hairs on its proximity

note the improper "you're", lack of punctuation, and outrageous metaphoric comparisons. i love (hate) the youtube audience.

now this is just a minor inconvenience and to be fair to this person he or she doesn't get overly emotional and just say things like "TAKE IT DOWN FAGGOT", which i'll get to soon.

and by soon i mean now.

I have a video that I did with some friends on my other page, VegaPictures.

We did a sketch where we portrayed news anchors who do behaviors that would end their careers. Honestly the quality is not great and it could have been scripted better (if we actually had one). But this is not the problem that people seem to have. We receive comments quite frequently saying things like "this isn't real you douchebags" although not using such kind language.

Well there was no promise of anything real. If you actually took the time to watch out other videos you might realize that we were kids when we made this and we didn't know any better and the name is just that, a name.

What is everyone's problem? the only people that seem to get any sort of positive reinforcement are people like Ray William Johnson and Fred. Both of those are horrible. Not funny, unoriginal, and just terrible people to boot.

I know i won't change anything but people just need to chill out and appreciate the little things that they don't have control over.

i have actually received threats (in youtube comments) because of the name of the video. Really? get over yourself. I'm not taking it down.

I've put up a disclaimer that plays before the video explaining that the video is indeed fake, and not meant to be taken seriously, but we have another problem arising here. Someone today commented,

Thanks for posting that disclaimer. Never would have known that this 1/2 rate, crappy video was fake. Douche bags.

I'm just going to let that sink in. I'm angry, I'm upset, I hate. You are horrible people on youtube. I wish the worst on you.

When i don't have the disclaimer i get people yelling because it's fake. When i do have it up I get people yelling because they "knew" it was fake.

I can't win.

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