Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Get Him To The Greek first thoughts/review

By the way this review may have spoilers. And by may I mean does.

What is the definition of drama? As I understand it, drama is when someone wants something very badly and has hard time obtaining it. This item that the person wants can be anything; another person, an object or possession, an idea like peace, or they can want to even save someone else from something. So what is this something that the main character of Get Him to the Greek want? Aldous Snow played by Russel Brand is an out of control rock star who had his world turned upside down on him by his girlfriend, pop star Jackie Q. Aldous wants Jackie throughout the movie and does pursue her. Aldous watches Jackie's and his home videos on the road, he calls Jackie on the phone, and finally he goes to see Jackie. Aldous tries to convince Jackie to be with him instead of Lars Ulrich (drummer of Metallica, for some reason). Jackie explains that what Lars and she share is something special, Aldous responds that the two of them share a son, which is much more special. Their son is a young boy around ten years old named Naples. Here's a spoiler but it's a major turning point and something that changes Aldous' desire. Naples is actually not Aldous' son. He is the son of a man that Jackie had a photo shoot with, in Naples. So what does Aldous now want? if you look on a deeper level, Aldous wanted to prove to Aaron, played by Jonah Hill (he's really the main character but he's not as interesting) and his fans that he was happy on his own. What does he want under this level? He wants Jackie, of course, and in fact, he NEEDS Jackie, but with this turning point what does he realize. This is the most important part to this story. Aldous realizes that he is in fact alone. He has no son, he has no girlfriend, no wife, no real close friends. He only has his mother, kiss ass assistants, and Aaron who only wants to get him to play the show. Aldous is alone, lonely, depressed. He contemplates and nearly attempts suicide. He opens up to Aaron and cries in front of him. Aldous gets to the concert with the injury he sustained and does an amazing job. At the end of the movie what does Aldous want? He wants one close friend. He wants one person that he can share with, that he can open up to, that will listen to him because honestly his life is amazingly messed up. He obtains this. Aaron becomes Aldous' new producer and Aldous realizes that his fans don't go to his shows only for the music but they go because Aldous Snow is more than just a musician, they want to see him for the story of his life and what he presents of himself on stage. At the end, Aldous is happy. Happy in the way that he never had before. He was never happy like this on drugs, and he was never really happy like this when he was with Jackie. He has one close friend like he truly needed.
This is drama. A character pushed to the emotional limit and back is drama. Aldous Snow goes through the emotional range through the course of events.

Honestly this is a great character study. Unexpectedly, I believe the filmmakers made Aldous Snow the main character. Even though the story is about Aaron Green trying to fulfill what his dreams are, the more interesting character. This is an unexpected great movie. I'd love to see more movies like this. Please, Hollywood, more original films, no more Megan Fox movies, no more comic book films. Please Please, more like this. Let's give this my rating now. 9/10. It really was that good.

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