Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bloody Mary

The first rule of a horror movie is that it should be something that...scares you...correct? Indeed. And while it certainly did try, a little known, absolutely low- (if not no-) budget film by the name of "Bloody Mary" did not succeed. Quite the contrary, this film had me laughing at it or feeling bad for those who were "lucky" enough to have their names in the credits. While you should always take pride in your work and yes I applaud the filmmakers for finishing a production, it utterly pains me that such a mildly offensive, completely out of context, and laughable film film was made from their hands.
I'm going to do something different in this review. I'm going to split it into different parts. 1. Main Characters 2. Supporting Characters 3. Plot 4. Production
1. Main Characters.
Natalie is Nicole's (the missing girl) sister. She spends the whole film in an emotionless state of blank face looking for Nicole. She tries to get help from others but apparently wants to do everything herself. There's no character development with her and I at least don't care if she finds her sister or not.
Jenna is the main antagonist (a.k.a. bitchy girl) of the film. She's just a bully who tries to force everyone to do everything she does. She forces Nicole into the tunnels which leads to her missing. She lies straight faced to Natalie. She (I guess) leads people to Mary who (I guess) eats them? (Or at least their eyes) She's again a one dimensional character who no one should care about. She also speaks the whole time like she's trying to hide an accent. What accent I can't detect but she speaks awkwardly.
Johnny is a cop(?) who tries to help Natalie find her sister (and in turn himself into Natalie's pants). He is usually seen doing nothing of importance and is generally not important himself.
Dr. Simmons is possibly the only character that grows. He begins (as we first meet him) as a mild mannered doctor that is trying to do everything he can for Natalie, but as the film progresses, he tries to kill her. I didn't say it was a good growth but it's something at least. A for effort movie makers!
2. Supporting Characters
Oh the supporting cast. Why oh why are they even in this film?
Scooter is Jenna's boyfriend(?) who spends the whole stretch of the film under Jenna's thumb and being a Paul Rudd lookalike. He is generally boring and does nothing of importance. What he does for the film is...minimal at most. Really he does nothing.
Paul is Nicole's ex boyfriend. He dies very quickly after we meet him. Not important, boring, does nothing for the story.
April, Tabitha, and Shelby are the same character. Jenna's cronies. They do nothing but fearfully listen to the will of Jenna. One dimensional, sheepish, boring.
And now my favorite supporting character of anyone, RailRoad. His name is Ricky Reynolds and he foot? Palsy? Mental retardation? I'm not sure but he's there. No growth, no thought to character, no sensitivity. He is the reason I've stated that this film is offensive. It's just strange to see someone playing that role. I'd feel bad about it at least.
3. Plot
There isn't one. There is but it's minimal. Nicole goes missing (or is killed) after her "Friends" (Jenna and crew) convince her to go into the tunnels under the mental hospital where they all work. Natalie spends the whole film looking for Nicole with no help from basically anyone. Natalie asks Nicole's patient/friend Heather about some things and Heather is afraid of mirrors. Blah blah blah doctor talk about mirrors. Paul dies because a shattering mirror cuts the soles of his feet...somehow. Railroad walks into Heather's room late at night and hands her a plate with a mirror on it. Mary kills Heather. Someone is taking the eyes of the victims and putting them into a metal cabinet (I wonder who...). There is a man with boils all over his face who likes rocking back and forth and muttering things through the vents of the hospital. Why he is there I have no idea. The majority of the film is Natalie looking blank faced about everything and nothing happening. Blah Blah Blah Natalie breaks an already broken mirror and Mary disintegrates.
Jenna's nose bleeds. A lot. Again no idea why.
4. Production
The whole film looks very strange. What I think the problem is, is that they shot in HD when the thought of HD was still new and they hadn't tweaked it to perfection. It looks like the backgrounds were added in in post and they didn't use the same resolution as they did for the actors.
Every image is blown out. They apparently don't know how f-stops work. Especially in the tunnel scenes, where there should be no light, the doctor's white coat is blown out so that he looks like some sort of angelic figure. Who knows maybe this was a directorial decision.

Final verdict is that this is a horrible film. Offensive, no plot, no character that I can identify with or care about, nothing that I want to see ever again. Sadly I own this film. Luckily I paid under $2 for it (It came in a pack of 4 for $5). If you can see this film for free, don't. Make someone pay you to see it. It's full of bad effects, worse acting, EVEN worse visual production detail.

2/10 because as a movie it's....definitely a movie.

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